Belfast City Half Marathon 2025

Every city with self respect arranges a big marathon every year. But, the trend now also tells us that every city with respect for its own name and reputation, also arranges a half marathon. That is true for Belfast as well, so if you would like to register for a half marathon in Belfast, you have the chance and opportunity. If you have never ran a half marathon before, take a look at our few pieces of advice at the end of the article.

The first Belfast City Half Marathon was held in 2013 as part of the larger Belfast Marathon series. It’s a shorter race than the full marathon (which is quite obvious), covering 13.1 miles (21.1 kilometers), which makes it more accessible for many runners, and an easier place to start if you have a goal of running a full marathon sometime in the future.

The half marathon takes place every September and attracts thousands of participants, from serious athletes to people running for fun or charity. The route goes through key parts of Belfast, allowing runners to see the city’s landmarks and neighborhoods. It is now one of the most popular running competitions in the Northern Ireland, giving people inspiration to exercise throughout the year in order to partake in this fantastic autumn running competition in Belfast.

Belfast City Half Marathon 2025

Date: September 25
Start/Finish: Ormeau Park

To take part in Belfast City Half Marathon you must be at least 17 years, and it is a requirement that you finish the race within three hours. In other words, you need to run approximately 7 kilometers per hour, which again means you need to run at a pace of approximately 8.5 minutes per kilometer to be in the green area and not fear that you will run out of time.

It is important to register for the event as early as possible, because just like with the Belfast Marathon, there are a limited number of registrations accepted, so if you are late, you might receive a message that it is full and that no more registrations are allowed for the race.

Are you looking for accommodation in Belfast?

Would you like to find a hotel or an apartment where you can stay close to Ormeau Park or in the center of Belfast? Use the map below to find accommodation based on both location and price estimates.


Do not forget that you can zoom in and out to find accommodation in a larger area, or if you want to zoom in on a special part of Belfast.

Would you like to attend a concert or visit a market or a festival as well?

There are lots of things happening in Belfast throughout the year, and we try to write about as many important events as possible. You can read more about other events in Belfast here in our Belfast calendar.

belfast city half marathon

How should I prepare for a half marathon if I have never ran such a distance before? 11 tips that will help you on the way!

Preparing for your first half marathon is exciting! Here’s a fun, simple guide to help you get ready:

1. Start Small, Build Big

Don’t worry if you’re not used to long distances. Start with short runs and slowly increase your distance each week. You might begin with 2-3 miles and add a little more each time. It’s all about making steady progress.

2. Mix it Up!

Running every day can get boring. Spice it up! Try other fun activities like cycling, swimming, or even dancing. These cross-training exercises will make you stronger without wearing you out.

3. Run with Friends

Everything is better with friends, right? Grab a buddy or join a running group. It’s more fun, and you can challenge each other. Plus, the support helps on tough days!

4. Create a Playlist

Music is a game-changer! Build a fire playlist that hypes you up and matches your running pace. Need extra motivation? Try podcasts or audiobooks to keep you entertained while you run.

5. Set Mini Goals

A half marathon can feel huge, so break it down. Set mini goals, like running 5 miles without stopping or doing a 10K race before the big day. These small wins will boost your confidence.

6. Rest Like a Pro

Don’t forget to chill! Rest days are just as important as running days. Give your muscles time to recover so you stay injury-free. Stretching and doing yoga can help too!

7. Eat Smart, Stay Hydrated

Fuel your body like an athlete! Focus on eating healthy, balanced meals with carbs, protein, and good fats. Drink water throughout the day, not just during runs, so you stay hydrated.

8. Try Fun Challenges

Challenge yourself with creative goals. Run a certain distance for a reward, like watching your favorite show or treating yourself to something cool after a long run.

9. Visualize the Finish Line

Close your eyes and picture yourself crossing the finish line, with a crowd cheering and a big smile on your face. That vision will help you push through tough moments.

10. Run in Cool Spots

Switch up your routes! Run in parks, along the beach, or explore new neighborhoods. A change in scenery keeps things fresh and exciting.

11. Believe in Yourself

Lastly, stay positive. Everyone has tough runs, but the key is to keep going. Remember why you’re doing this and trust that with practice, you’ll crush it on race day!

You’ve got this! Stay consistent, have fun with your training, and watch yourself get stronger every step of the way. 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️

We hope you feel inspired, and we hope to see you at the upcoming Belfast City Half Marathon!

Belfast Marathon 2025

Is this the year in which you are going to run your first marathon? Or are you this person who explores the world and has a goal of running as many marathons as possible at different locations? Would you like to partake in Belfast marathon? This article gives you information about the marathon, the dates of the race, and other useful information.

The Belfast Marathon is a big running event that takes place every year in Belfast. It started in 1982 and has become one of the largest marathons in the country. The race attracts runners from all over the world, both professionals and amateurs. The marathon covers 26.2 miles (42.2 kilometers), and the route takes runners through different parts of Belfast, showing off the city’s landmarks. If you want to explore even more of the Northern Ireland while running, you should also look into the following marathons.

Other marathons in the Northern Ireland.

Derry (Walled City) Marathon: Held in Derry/Londonderry, this marathon takes runners through the historic streets of the city, including its famous city walls. It usually takes place in early June and offers both a full marathon and a relay option.

Newry City Half Marathon: This marathon takes place in the city of Newry, offering a scenic route that includes both city and rural landscapes. It often includes a half marathon and fun run as well.

Causeway Coast Marathon: Known for its stunning views, this marathon runs along the north coast of Northern Ireland, near the famous Giant’s Causeway. It’s a trail marathon, making it more challenging, with routes along cliffs, beaches, and rugged terrain.

Why don’t you try all of them? If you do, you can for sure say that you have seen a lot of the Northern Ireland, and not just These marathons are popular with runners who enjoy both city races and scenic, challenging courses.

Belfast Marathon 2025

Date: May 4, 2025
Start: Stormont Estate (Prince of Wales Avenue)
Finish: Ormean Park

Belfast Marathon is not only for marathon runners.

Over the years, the Belfast Marathon has grown to include not just the full marathon but also shorter events like team relays, a half marathon, and fun runs. It’s a popular event for the local community and a great way to raise money for charity.

It is worth knowing that there is a limited number of participants accepted for the race, and it is often full (meaning no more registrations are accepted), so if you want to run the Belfast Marathon, you should register as quickly as possible. The marathon is only available for people 18 years or older, and you need to be able to finish the distance within six hours.

belfast marathon route

Above you can see a map presenting the route of the marathon. This map is from 2024, so there might be changes in the future, but normally, the same route is used every single year. You can read more about the marathons and register for the event at

If you want to read more about other events, competitions, concerts, or programs in Belfast, find out “what’s going on in Belfast” right here.

Where can I find cheap accommodation in Belfast?

Are you coming for the marathon, but you would like to spend the night in Belfast and you want as cheap accommodation as possible? Use the map below to see the best prices for both apartments and hotels in the city center of Belfast.


You can zoom out if you want to look for accommodation in Belfast in a greater area.

Are there any other running competitions in Belfast besides Belfast Marathon?

There are several running competitions in Belfast besides the marathon. The biggest event worth mentioning is Belfast half-marathon which is normally arranged in early autumn, in the month of September. You can read more about Belfast City Half Marathon here.