Belfast Restaurant Week 2014

Belfast Restaurant Week

Belfast Restaurant WeekExplore Belfast’s best restaurants in a special way in 2014 again. The Belfast Restaurant Week is a series of culinary events of exploring and enjoying the best traditional and non traditional foods in the city of Belfast.

Every year the restaurant week attracts a lot of people to join this fun and unique event to try the best restaurants the city has. It is the perfect time to try all the traditional cuisine of Northern Ireland and the best time of the year to get to know the best local places and restaurants during the Belfast Restaurant Week. It has been the third year since the first restaurant week was held the first time. During the one week long event the restaurants will serve a selection of special dishes and there will be foodie events through the whole week as well such as Ready, Steady Cook for Kids, Bakery Competition or St. George’s Market Demonstrations. During the Belfast Restaurant Week there will be a wide range of restaurants from the European to the best Asian cuisine to try out.

The Belfast Restaurant Week will be held 4th October until 11th October 2014. The one week long event will be in different restaurants in Belfast, Northern Ireland.

If you want to know more about the event check the other site for more information on the restaurants that participate.

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